Thursday, 11 December 2008

Podcast Number 4

Just finished Podcast number four.

Much easier using Garageband as opposed to Logic
I know I did bang on about it a bit but it was a real joy. I'm thinking that I may put a little "bed" underneath my ramblings next time. Perhaps some nice rain-forest effects?
Don't make the mistake I made and visit this guy fuck knows what he's about!
I'll be out at The Railway in Winchester on  Monday the 5th. I'm planning to play That Woman and Pale Moonlight. Should be fun. If I do you will be able to watch me live on the interweb.
I'm planing to play at Unplugged in Brighton at the Dome on Sunday the 22nd if all goes to plan.
So, podcast number 4. How was it for you?
If you haven't heard it then you need to click here for the iTunes version or if you don't have iTunes click  here for the podbean one.

1 comment:

Nick Tann said...

I forgot to say how may downloads so far.
Oh Yeah