This is what I and I know other songwriters and performers suffer from. It can be triggered by many things, a bad gig, review, criticism but more often than not self doubt. Is it all worth it? Most of us have regular full time jobs and that can be the great leveller. One can play a great gig in front of an enthusiastic appreciative audience, get a great review or comment about a song or performance, write a great new piece of music THEN then next day return to an often humdrum 9-5.
For me it's not a long term thing, it happens maybe three or four times a year. It's not a clinical depression or even depression. I prefer to call it MELANCHOLY because that's what it is. It doesn't last long, 4 days at the most. It doesn't always happen after a great gig or a non glowing review.
Last night I wrote a new song, it's my second in seven days. They're both great, the first one probably one of my best ever. The second one I like too, I'd like to spend more time working on it but I have to be here today. Yes I have time to type this and I'm luckier than most in that respect but I'd rather be at home working on these new tunes. Recording, mixing, uploading and promoting.
What about you?
Do you get this?
What triggers it?
How long does it last?
I get it, but it's balanced by the urge to create stuff which lasts about the same amount of time. Remember you're lucky you get the creative urge. Most don't.
That is true, I'm lucky to get the urge.
This bout is just a short one.
I got a text from a muso friend the other day who was very down. I had seen him play a great set, he's a very talented guy, but the next day BANG.
Not quite Black Eyed Dog but nasty non the less
Most creatives are melancholy whilst others are horribly depressive. That's the deal with the devil you make for being a decent songwriter.
How do you think normal melancholy folk feel? I'm tone deaf for one!
I wouldn't say you were tone deaf.
I know. You'd bloody sing it, you arsehole!
With harmonies like this!
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