Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Podcast number 11

Finally got round to recording pod-cast number 11. It's been far too long but there you are.
Possibly the quickest and easiest I've done yet.
I rant about so called "acoustic" music and Pure Acoustica
I played music by the amazing Julia K ,the delightful Wise Children and earworm specialist Matt Blake. I urge you to go and check out their sites and join their fan base.
I also sing the praises of independent internet types including the quite wonderful Watch With Mothers I should also have mentioned W.W.M. contributor Dave but didn't. I also mentioned two very funny ladies who make hysterical videos Yournottheone
You can access this pod-cast by click on one of links on the right. If you have iTunes then click the iTunes link if not click the widget link or click here to go straight to podbean and listen to it there

1 comment:

Dave said...

I would mention you in a Podcast.

And that is all I have to say on the matter.